Landside airport operations are a significant portion of an airport’s daily operations and customer experience. Surface traffic also contributes to a substantial portion of the carbon emissions at airports. TRB hosted a webinar on Wednesday, May 29, 2024 from 12:00 PM to 1:30 PM Eastern that shared research and experiences that improve landside operational efficiency, assisted in better understanding the customer journey, and helped achieve sustainability goals. Presenters provided carbon-reduction strategies and how to use airport landside data to inform planning and day-to-day operations.
This webinar is based on ACRP Synthesis 132: Airport Landside Data: Collection and Application and ACRP Synthesis 127: Airport Programs that Reduce Landside Vehicle Carbon Emissions.
This webinar is sponsored by TRB’s Airport Cooperative Research Program.
The slides and recording are available.
Webinar agenda and presenters
The first 60 minutes of the webinar were for presentations and the final 30 minutes were reserved for audience questions.
Learning Objectives
At the end of this webinar, participants can:
American Institute of Certified Planners Certification Maintenance Credits
This webinar was approved by the American Planning Association (APA) for 1.5 Certification Maintenance (CM) Credits. CM credits provide continuing education opportunities for AICP Certified Planners to continue their professional skills and knowledge. To receive CM credits, Certified Planners should visit the TRB event webpage on American Planning Association and register their participation. If you have problems reporting your CM credits or have general questions about the CM program, please contact the APA.
Continuing Education Units for Accredited Airport Executives
The American Association of Airport Executives (AAAE) provided 1 Continuing Education Units (CEU) to accredited airport executives who attended this webinar. Claim CEUs by visiting For questions about AAAE continuing education units, please contact